Rescued chimp

Roger Walter

Grammar — Intermediate Level
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Complete the sentences below using the given word so that the new sentence has the same meaning as the original sentence

  1. The chimpanzee is being released

    let (2 words)

    The chimpanzee is being

  2. The chimpanzee embraces her

    hug (4 words)

  3. The chimp looks like it is undecided about whether to go or stay

    air (4 words)

    The chimp looks like it is about whether to go or stay

  4. The chimp turns one last time to look at the group before leaving

    taking (2 words)

    The chimp turns one last time to look at the group before

  5. Jane and the chimp were very friendly with each other

    close (2 words)

    Jane and the chimp were very each other


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Do you think the chimp had emotional feelings towards Jane? Why?

  2. How do you think the chimp felt about being released? Why?

  3. Do you think animals have the same feelings as human beings? What makes you think that way?

    Roger Walter

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    From English
    No translation