

Reading — Advanced Level
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Esperanto is the most widely spoken constructed international auxiliary language. It was created in the late 19th century by L. L. Zamenhof, whose goal was to create an easy and flexible language that would serve as a universal second language to foster peace and international understanding.

In 1905, Zamenhof published Fundamento de Esperanto as a definitive guide to the language. Later that year, he organized the first World Esperanto Congress and ratified the Declaration of Boulogne, which established several foundational premises for the Esperanto movement. In 1908, a group of young Esperanto speakers led by Hector Hodler established the Universal Esperanto Association, in order to provide a central organization for the global Esperanto community.

Esperanto has continued to develop in the 21st century. The advent of the Internet has had a significant impact on the language, as learning it has become increasingly accessible. With approximately two million speakers, it is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world. Although no country has adopted Esperanto officially, Esperantujo is the collective name given to places where it is spoken, and the language is widely employed in world travel, correspondence, cultural exchange, conventions, literature, language instruction, television and radio broadcasting.
Source: Wikipedia
  1. When was Esperanto developed?

  2. What makes it easier to learn Esperanto now-a-days?

  3. What sets Esperanto apart from other languages?

  4. Approximately how many people speak Esperanto today?

  5. What are places who speak Esperanto referred to as?


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Would you like to learn Esperanto?

  2. What do you think about Zamenhof's idea for creating the language of Esperanto?

  3. Should Esperanto be offered as a second language in schools?


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