Cosmetics (Action verbs)


Grammar — Intermediate Level
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Complete each sentence choosing the correct option

  1. Cosmetics   a range of products that are used to care for the face and body or to enhance or change the appearance of the face or body.

  2. The The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)   cosmetics as products "intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying and promoting attractiveness

  3. Egyptian men and women used makeup to enhance their appearance.

  4. They   gemstones and used them to decorate their faces, mainly on the lips and around the eyes.

  5. Ancient Egyptians   red dye from fucus-algin, odine, and some bromine mannite, but this dye resulted in serious illness.


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Do you like cosmetics? Why? Why not?

  2. If you're into cosmetics, what are your favorite brands? Why?


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    From English
    No translation