How Music Affects Your Brain


Audición — Nivel Avanzado
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Mira el vídeo y responde a las preguntas

  1. Your breathing and heartbeat attempt to  

  2. Pleasant music boosts  

  3. People who study music tend to use  

  4. Listening to music engages the hippocampus — the part of the brain responsible for  

  5. Listening to sounds over 95 decibels reduces   by 20%

  6. As per the video, music therapy is exploring alternate uses for music such as  


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. Do you notice your body or mood feels different when you listen to different kinds of music? Explain

  2. Is there a specific song that reminds you of someone or something?

  3. Are there times when you feel you want to listen to music more than other times? Explain

  4. What is your favorite type of music and why?


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