The Four Temperaments

Kei Quinal

Audición — Nivel Avanzado
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Mira el vídeo y responde a las preguntas

  1. Sanguines can't last a minute without doing anything.

  2. Sanguines have a knack for   since they are outgoing.

  3. What makes the Choleric different from the Sanguine?

  4. Which among the following is a Phlegmatic's weakness?

  5. Melancholics are sensitive individuals which is why   can be quite challenging for them.

  6. Which among the four temperaments has the potential to lead people?

  7. Which among the four temperaments has the tendency to be easily discouraged and demotivated?


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. Of the four temperaments, which one are you? Why?

  2. What are the strengths of your temperament?

  3. What are the weaknesses of your temperament?

  4. Would you have wanted to have a different temperament? Why/why not?

    Kei Quinal

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