The Bill Cosby Verdict


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Mira el vídeo y responde a las preguntas

  1. How old is Bill Cosby currently?

  2. Cosby is described by the narrator as once being America's "best loved   "

  3. How many women accused Cosby of sexual assault?

  4. How many years could Cosby face in prison for his crimes?

  5. Has Cosby admitted to his crimes?

  6. Where was the trial held?


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. What do you think is an appropriate punishment for Cosby and his crimes?

  2. If someone asked you to explain the "Me-too Era", how would you describe it?

  3. Why do you think verdicts such as these are so important for survivors of sexual assault?


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