President-elect Trump gives speech to American people


Gramática — Nivel Intermedio
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Completa cada frase con la palabra que se muestra para que la segunda oración tenga el mismo significado que la primera

  1. Trump encourages Americans to verify their neighbors are safe

    make (2 words)

    Trump encourages Americans to their neighbors are safe

  2. The recent political campaign angered many people

    by (3 words)

    Many people the recent political campaign

  3. Trump asks people to not get discouraged

    hope (2 words)

    Trump asks people to not

  4. "Now, Americans need to move past their differences and towards peace"

    time (3 words)

    ", Americans need to move past their differences and towards peace"

  5. Trump tells Americans to be optimistic about the future

    forward (3 words)

    Trump tells Americans to the future


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. Do you think political rivals should support the president after an election? Why or why not?

  2. Do you think people move past their differences after an election? Why or why not?

  3. Do you think it's a good idea for a president to use social media to deliver a message? Why or why not?


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